Life finds a way…

This is a conversation I had not long after the Earthquake swarms we had here.

I was feeling sad, wandering through some of the remnants of the cleared out buildings. Just big empty spots of gravel and rocks where a building used to be. Growing up in the middle was a pretty little flower.

“Life will ALWAYS find a way; out of destruction, it rises”

This made me realise how much potential there was in my city at that time, and still is. That out of all this sadness and wreckage something new and amazing would rise. Though we lost a lot, never to be returned; this city would bloom. Become something new and amazing. I ended up so full of hope, when there was only sadness before.

This conversation with the Gods helped me through a hard and confusing time, and was the beginning of me thinking of doing a blog about the little conversations I have with Them. So here I plan to share them.

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